The dose is adjusted according to the individual requirements of fluid, electrolyte and energy. thus the patient`s age, weight, clinical and biological (acid-base balance) conditions and concomitant therapy should be taken into account.
Maximum daily dose:
40 ml/kg body weight (BW) per day, corresponding to 2 g glucose/kg BW per day and 6 mmol of sodium /kg BW per day
Maximum infusion rate:
5 ml/kg BW per hour, corresponding to 0.25 g glucose/kg BW per hour.
Partial coverage of energy requirements, i. e. substitution of the obligatory daily glucose requirements, is only possible with the maximum dose stated above.
Padiatric patients
The dose is adjusted according to the individual requirements of fluid, electrolytes and energy. Thus the patients age, weight, clinical and biological (acid-base balance) conditions and concomitant therapy should be taken into account.
When administering this solution the total daily fluid and glucose requirements should be taken into account.
Elderly patients
Basically the same dosage as for adults applies, but caution should be exercised in patients suffering from further diseases like cardiac insufficiency or renal insufficiency that may frequently be associated with advanced age.
Other special patient groups
If the oxidative metabolism of glucose is impaired (e.g. in the early post-operative or post-traumatic period or in the presence of hypoxia or organ failure), the dosage should be adjusted to keep the blood glucose level close to normal values. Close monitoring of blood glucose levels is recommended in order to prevent hyperglycaemia. See also section 4.4.
Method of administration
Intravenous use
Hypertonic solutions should be administered in a large peripheral or central vein to diminish the risk of causing irritaion.
This container contains a significant volume of air. To avoid risk of air embolism, this product must not be administered by pressure infusion.