A time-interval of 2 hours should be considered between Acidex Liquid intake and the administration of other medicinal products, especially tetracyclines, digoxine, fluoroquinolone, iron salt, ketoconazole, neuroleptics, thyroid hormones, penicillamine, beta-blockers (atenolol, metoprolol, propanolol), glucocorticoid, chloroquine and biphosphonates (diphosphonates) and estramustine. See also 4.4.
Antacids may interact with other drugs as they alter the gastric pH which may affect dissolution, solubility or ionisation of the other drug. Antacids reduce the absorption of certain drugs from the following groups: ACE Inhibitors, Analgesics, Antibacterials, Antiepileptics, Antifungals, Antimalarials, Antipsychotics, Bisphosphonates, Lithium and Penicillamine.
Antacids may increase the pH of the urine and affect the rate of drug elimination. Excretion of basic drugs is decreased whereas acidic drugs are eliminated more rapidly.
Due to effects at the renal level sodium bicarbonate may reduce plasma lithium levels and increase plasma quinidine levels.