For adults, children and the elderly. For cutaneous use only.
Bazuka Gel should be applied once daily. The gel should be applied once every night. Treatment can take up to twelve (12) weeks for resistant lesions to disappear, and it is necessary to persevere with the treatment.
1. Every night, soak the affected site in warm water for 2 to 3 minutes.
2. Dry thoroughly with the patient's own towel.
3. Carefully apply one or two drops of the gel to the lesion and allow to dry over its surface. Take care to avoid spreading on to surrounding normal skin. No adhesive plaster is necessary.
4. The following evening, carefully remove and discard the elastic film formed from the previous application, and reapply the gel. Occasionally, if removal of the elastic film proves difficult, carefully reapply the gel directly over it and allow to dry. This should help thicken the film to assist removal. If necessary, such re-application may be made on two or three successive days.
5. Once a week, gently rub away the treated surface using an emery board, as provided, or pumice stone used only for this purpose, before re‑applying the gel.
6. The wart, verruca, corn or callus may take up to twelve (12) weeks to disappear and it is important to persevere with the treatment.
7. At the end of treatment, if the elastic film is difficult to remove, it may be allowed to remain on the skin until it sheds.