Interactions with other medications include Captopril, Potassium - Sparing Diuretics, Enalapril, Lisinopril, Adrenocorticoids, Glucocorticoids (especially those with significant mineralocorticoid activity), Mineralocorticoids, Corticotropin (ACTH), Anabolic Steroids or Androgens.
Interaction with potassium containing medications (concurrent use with potassium phosphate may result in hyperkalaemia; patient should have serum potassium concentration determinations at periodic intervals).
Interaction with Digitalis Glycosides
Use of potassium phosphate injection in digitalised patients with severe or complete heart block is not recommended because of possible hyperkalaemia.
Interaction with Diuretics or Thiazides
Concurrent use with phosphate may cause or worsen renal damage.
Interaction with Mexiletine
May lead to marked acidification of urine by monobasic potassium phosphate and potassium and sodium phosphates combination may accelerate excretion of Mexiletine.
Interaction with Quinidine
Concurrent use with potassium phosphate usually enhances effects of the Quinidine.
Interaction with Salicylates
Concurrent use with potassium and sodium phosphates combination or monobasic potassium phosphate may increase plasma concentrations of salicylates since salicylate excretion is decreased in acidified urine; addition of these phosphates to patients stabilised on a salicylate may lead to toxic salicylate concentrations.